Lest I forget...
I may wreck your plans…but trust Me.
I’ve led you here and I’ll lead you exactly where you need to be.
Remain in Me.
Abide in Me.
Trust Me.
Do you not remember…? Did you not bind it to your foreheads and doorframes?
Did you not pass down to your children the accounts of My unbridled faithfulness to your ancestors,
your family,
your friends,
Have you not tasted and seen (for yourself) that I am good? (I am not safe, but I am good).
You have witnessed the wrenching of Heaven for the love of creation (yes, you) for My glory, …and you really think that I won’t take care of you?…
that I don’t have abundant-life adventures in store for you?…
that I don’t have a future filled with hope for you?…
that you’ll forever seek Me out in a never-ending game of hide-and-seek, and I won’t be found by you?
Theophilus, Amada, Beloved…I AM. And I have betrothed you to Me forever in righteousness, justice, love, compassion, and faithfulness.(So lose the word “Master.” Call Me “my Husband” instead.)
STOP listening to the compulsive liar. I have more than just a monopoly on truth, more just a corner of the market. I am the Truth.
Me and My Kingdom are the only things worth living for, worth dying for.
So fling yourself wholly in My direction.
Let your desires become My desires; I will give you the desires of your heart.
And remember, when you fail, My strength is made perfect in weakness. (Yes, even THAT unspeakable weakness).
So be not afraid, you were made for this.