Thoughtful Considerations

Too many moons have waned since I’ve last made mere thoughts into concreted words, since I’ve actually reflected on the events occurring both in my life and those around me, especially in the public forum. Truthfully, G-d, in His goodness, faithfulness, and character has overwhelmed me with Himself and His people. A stir of change is being wrought in the lives of individuals that’s causing waves within the Church, at large. And that’s not me just being optimistic (remember, I’m not one of those “happy people”). I would say that there’s simply a change in my mindset - that Christ’s good work in me has been renewing my mind, but there’s more to it than that. The difference is almost palpable, nearly tangible. And it’s much bigger than me. Thank G-d! Here’s some of what I’ve learned:

-I know nothing.
It’s always good to start with the obvious, right? I can’t say that I know what I’m talking about, cause I don’t. I can only speak from my experience. Truthfully, I only know of a fraction of Christ’s love, but that tiny fraction is what keeps me talking and serving.

-I’m done merely dreaming while asleep. I’m ready to dream with my eyes wide open.
There’s a quote that I’ve always loved that simply needs to go on my wall one day. But for now, it’s here:

“All people dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their mind, wake in the morning to find that it was vanity. But the dreamers of the day are dangerous people, for they dream their dreams with open eyes, and make them come true” --T.E. Lawrence
I guess I should explain why it has any importance/significance to me (because otherwise, you’d just be tempted to believe that it’s a “Make Your Wishes Come True” Disney World slogan). This sounds really pitiful now that I’m actually thinking about writing it out, but whatev. Pretty much all my life, books have been my mentors. With the exception of a small few, I have always relied on authors to guide me spiritually. (This *perhaps* testifies to the sad state our churches are in…). Regardless, I’m used to reading all these lofty thoughts, but not really seeing them carry over into actions. I’m used to reading about the Church, singing about her, complaining about her whoring ways, then pretending to not be a part of her. It’s easier to be a critic than to stay in the system and try to change it. The truth is, though, you can’t love the Church at large without loving the local church - and you can’t love her without being a part of her.

-Enacting change begins with obedience.

-Trusting God requires acting upon that trust. Otherwise it’s not trust.

-Community begins with obedience.

“You can only learn what obedience is by obeying…[we are] confronted by the call of Jesus to spontaneous obedience” - Bonhoeffer
I feel as though I’m a child in the ways of actually taking G-d at His Word - at trusting Him in faith, like a child, that He so requires. (Luke 18:16-17). But I want to.
I know had I been the one to come to Jesus asking how to inherit eternal life and had He answered with “Leave all else behind and follow Me; resign your profession, quit your family, your people, and the home of your fathers” (Bonhoeffer); or “Sell your house, sell your SUV, sell your stocks, sell your security…and give it to the poor” (Derek Webb); or “Give away your car, your clothes, leave college and your plans for a secure life in academia, leave behind your family and friends” I, too, would have walked away sad, hindered by wealth to join in with the King and His Kingdom. The rich young ruler could not obey, thus, he couldn’t believe. My lack of faith is a direct result of my lack of obedience. Can I say that again? My lack of faith is a direct result of my lack of obedience.

I’m so tired of this pseudo-theology that I have bought into lock, stock, and barrel. You know, the kind that explains away those pesky difficult passages with answers that require a “you’ve got to be kidding me” look - even the kind of answers I‘m tempted to give and fake-believe when I just don‘t know. Yes, following Jesus is scary, dangerous, and insecure. It requires everything. “G-d doesn’t want to harm me…He just wants me dead” (Keith Green) Dead to myself, dead to all my selfish motives and desires.

Something much larger than us, much grander than we ever had the imagination to ask for is about to occur. And when it does, not one of us will have the words to describe it or the ability to relish in it. None other than God Himself will be able to take the credit and glory for it. Its His Kingdom here and now, not, as Rich Mullins said, “some pie in the sky that you good boys and girls get in the by and by.” Jesus said to “Tell them that the Kingdom is here.” (Matthew 10:7)


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